Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2)

The Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) was introduced in 2021, replacing the previous version utilized since 2013. As per the Texas State Legislature mandate, all students entering Texas public higher education institutions must undergo TSIA2 or qualify for one of its exemptions. The TSIA2 evaluates students' readiness for college-level coursework by testing them in English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) and Mathematics. 

In ELAR, TSIA2 focuses on two key areas: reading and writing. The reading portion assesses comprehension and analysis of literary, informational, and argumentative texts, including paired passages. Meanwhile, the writing portion evaluates skills in revising and editing sentences, paragraphs, and early drafts of essays.

In mathematics, TSIA2 focuses on four key areas: quantitative reasoning, algebraic reasoning, geometric and spatial reasoning, and probabilistic and statistical reasoning. 

Students taking the TSIA2 begin by completing College Readiness Classification (CRC) tests in ELAR and mathematics, comprising multiple-choice questions. If students fail to meet the college readiness benchmarks on these CRC tests, they proceed with the multiple-choice diagnostic tests in ELAR and Mathematics. These diagnostic tests present an additional chance for the students to demonstrate their preparedness for college-level coursework. They also highlight students' strengths and weaknesses in specific content areas, thus facilitating their placement into suitable courses and enabling them to receive the necessary remedial support and interventions.

Year developed: 2021 (TSIA2 replaced TSIA introduced in 2013).


Post secondary

Administration Information

The test is untimed, each section can take up to two hours. The College Readiness Classification (CRC) Tests consist of 30 questions in English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) and 20 questions in Mathematics. The ELAR Diagnostic Test comprises 48 multiple

Access and Use


Costs vary across testing centers. On average, the costs in 2023 are as follows: 

ELAR only $15.00, mathonly $15.00, entire TSIA2 (ELAR+math) $30.00.



Kay Humes, Statewide Coordinator for Advanced Academics, Texas Education Agency

Email:  advancedacademics@tea.texas.gov

Open Access
Use in Research

Kallison Jr, J. M. (2017). The effects of an intensive postsecondary transition program on college readiness for adult learners. Adult Education Quarterly, 67(4), 302-321. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741713617725394 

Villarreal, S., Montoya, J. A., Duncan, P., & Gergen, E. (2018). Leadership styles predict career readiness in early college high‐school students. Psychology in the Schools, 55(5), 476-489. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22131


Psychometric References

Cui, W., & Bay, L. (2016). The predictive placement validity study of Texas success initiative assessment (TSIA). CollegeBoard. https://reportcenter.thecb.state.tx.us/sites/docid/cache/file/B0C9C241-E5E1-185D-10B462760460E0D4.pdf

Psychometric Considerations

Psychometrics is the science of psychological assessment. A primary goal of EdInstruments is to provide information on crucial psychometric topics including Validity and Reliability – essential concepts of evaluation, which indicate how well an instrument measures a construct - as well as additional properties that are worthy of consideration when selecting an instrument of measurement.

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