Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) 3rd edition

The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) measures college students’ learning and study strategies. It can be used for screening to identify students at risk of poor academic achievement and for diagnostics to examine strengths and weaknesses and provide focused remediation. 

Now in its third edition, LASSI includes 60 items mapping onto ten scales (Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient in parentheses for every scale): Anxiety (.87), Attitude (.76), Concentration (.85), Information Processing (.81), Motivation (.77), Selecting Main Ideas (.86), Self Testing (.80), Test Strategies (.77), Time Management (.80), and Using Academic Resources (.76).

Year developed: LASSI 1st edition: 1987, LASSI 2nd edition: 2002; LASSI 3rd edition: 2016


Post secondary

Administration Information

60 items, not timed, most students complete it in 9-11 minutes.

Access and Use


$4.50 each, 200+ $4.00 each

2,000 LASSI's - Annual Site License $6,000 ($3.00 each)

5,000 LASSI's - Annual Site License $12,500 ($2.50 each)

There is a $4.50 Account Set-Up/Update Fee per order.

Open Access
Use in Research

Fong, C. J., Krou, M. R., Johnston-Ashton, K., Hoff, M. A., Lin, S., & Gonzales, C. (2021). LASSI's great adventure: A meta-analysis of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory and academic outcomes. Educational Research Review, 34, 100407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2021.100407 

Kallison Jr, J. M. (2017). The effects of an intensive postsecondary transition program on college readiness for adult learners. Adult Education Quarterly, 67(4), 302-321. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741713617725394 

Yip, M. C., & Chung, O. L. (2002). Relation of study strategies to the academic performance of Hong Kong University students. Psychological Reports, 90, 338-340. https://doi.org/10.2466/pr0.2002.90.1.338


Computer scoring
Psychometric References

Cano, F. (2006). An in-depth analysis of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI). Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66(6), 1023-1038. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013164406288167 

Olejnik, S., & Nist, S. L. (1992). Identifying latent variables measured by the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI). The Journal of experimental education, 60(2), 151-159. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.1991.10806587 

Prevatt, F., Petscher, Y., Proctor, B. E., Hurst, A., & Adams, K. (2006). The revised learning and study strategies inventory: An evaluation of competing models. Educational and psychological measurement, 66(3), 448-458. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013164405282454 

Weinstein, C. E., & Palmer, D. R. (2002). Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI): User’s manual (2nd ed.). Clearwater, FL: H & H Publishing.

Weinstein, C.E., Palmer, D.R., & Acee, T.W. (2016). Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI): User’s manual (3rd ed.). Clearwater, FL: H & H Publishing. https://www.hhpublishing.com/LASSImanual.pdf 

Weinstein, C. E., Schulte, A. C., & Palmer, D. P. (1987). Learning and Study Strategies Inventory. Clearwater, FL: H & H Publishing.

Psychometric Considerations

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